Planning and Development Services manages the growth and physical form of the Town through the land use planning process and by establishing goals and objectives for future growth and development. The Planning and Development Department is responsible for the review, processing and approval of all planning applications under the Planning Act, R.S.O 1990, c.P. 19, as amended, and heritage applications under the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O 1990, c.O. 18, as amended.
The Department provides activities and support to residents, businesses, applicants and the Corporation through three (3) organizational groups:
Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe - Ontario Ministry of Infrastructure
Current Planning Notices, Active Site Plan Applications and Special Projects
In order to assist us in answering your questions about a property or development, kindly download and fill in the Development Inquiry Form, and return via email to
Inquiries will be assessed in the order in which they are received. We will endeavour to answer your questions in as timely a manner as possible.
Before we can accept your development application, you'll need to book a pre-consultation meeting. Pre-consultation meetings are hosted by the Planning and Development Division and will allow you to present and discuss your proposal with relevant staff and agencies as part of the Development Review Team (DRT). Our staff will offer initial comments on the proposal and help clarify the application process.
Please complete the Pre-Consultation Request Form and submit it to along with the other required documents. Once we receive a request, we will reach out to you to schedule a pre-consultation meeting. Please note the following applications require a pre-consultation meeting and have an $1800 pre-consultation application fee:
The Planning & Development Department is also responsible for administering Guidelines and permit approvals for designated heritage properties and Cobourg's Heritage Conservation Districts.
Land use planning means managing our land and resources. It helps each community to set goals about how it will grow and develop and to work out ways of reaching those goals while keeping important social, economic and environmental concerns in mind. It balances the interests of individual property owners with the wider interest and objectives of the whole community.
A Citizen's Guide to land use planning is available on the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) website to help you understand how the land use planning process works in Ontario. The Citizen's Guide is intended to give general information only and is not an interpretation of the Planning Act. For more information, visit the MMAH website directly.
This background study has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of the Development Charges Act 1997 (s.10), and accordingly, recommends new Development Charges (D.C.s) and policies for the Town of Cobourg (Town). The Town retained Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. (Watson) to undertake the D.C. study process. Watson worked with senior staff of the Town in preparing this D.C. analysis and the policy recommendations.
View the Report. View the Draft Bylaw.