The Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan for the Tannery District will be a comprehensive, over-arching plan to achieve a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable neighbourhood in the Tannery District. The Plan will build upon the sustainability goals of the Official Plan to establish a long range vision for sustainability and quality of life in the Tannery District and provide a strategic policy, governance and implementation framework to appropriately guide future development and decision-making and, ultimately, facilitate the revitalization of the Tannery District into a model sustainable neighbourhood.
The Town of Cobourg will use this page to keep individuals up to date on project progress while also providing information about upcoming public meetings and opportunities for community involvement.
What is the Tannery District? |
The Tannery District is named for the most recent use of a vacant parcel of land in the heart of the District. The former Tannery lands at 96 Alice Street were acquired by the Town of Cobourg in 2007. The Tannery District includes the Tannery Lands and is bounded by the Canadian National and St. Lawrence and Hudson Railway Corridor to the north, George Street to the East, University Avenue West to the south, and Ball Street, Furnace Street, and Victoria Street to the west. The limits of the Tannery District are identified in the image below.
In 2009, a Community Improvement Plan (CIP) was prepared for the area. A CIP focuses on bringing about physical changes to a targeted area so that, in the medium and long-term, it will be renewed economically, socially, and environmentally. Also in 2009, the Town held a design charrette to explore planning and design features to maximize the environmental sustainability of future development within the Tannery Site. In late 2016, following approval of a grant from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), the Town of Cobourg issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the preparation of a Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan for the Tannery District. The project kicked off in April 2017. |
About the Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan |
The objective of the Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan is to develop a comprehensive plan to achieve a healthy, vibrant and sustainable neighbourhood in the Tannery District. The Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan will build on the goals of the Official Plan to establish a vision for the Tannery District and provide the policy, governance and implementation framework to guide future development and decision-making. Building on the previous Community Improvement Plan and charrette process, this project aims to develop a long range Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan for the Tannery District which is on the "cutting edge" of sustainability. A Vision for Sustainability The Tannery District presents an opportunity to take action aligned with the federal, provincial and local governments' focus on environmental sustainability. The Tannery District can become a showcase for Cobourg as a sustainable, transit-oriented mixed-use community and employment node that prioritizes the reduction of environmental impact, increases cultural and social connectivity and the creation of economic opportunities for the community and the region. The project also opens up opportunities for creative solutions to think about sustainability and the long-term health and vitality of the community. At the Tannery District, one might envision a community that encourages sustainable practices long after the buildings are occupied, such as access to on-site local and sustainable food. The development of a Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan for the Tannery District is an important step in the Town's movement towards a net-zero carbon, net-zero waste economy, which includes opportunities for renewable energy production, energy conservation strategies and other evolving approaches created as the community reduces greenhouse gases to address climate change. The Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan for the Tannery District will embed all four pillars of sustainability (society, environment, economy, and culture). The Plan will reflect forward-thinking sustainability strategies, and include urban design guidelines, heritage guidelines, standards for the streetscape and public realm, affordable housing standards, accessibility standards, transportation network recommendations, a brownfield remediation and re-development strategy, and more. |
Public Meeting & Community Engagement Schedule |
Public Meeting- November 29, 2021 (Media Release click here) The Municipal Council of the Town of Cobourg will hold a Public Meeting via Zoom Video Conference regarding proposed amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law for the Tannery District Secondary Plan Area on Monday, November 29, 2021 at 5:00 pm, Public Open House - November 25, 2021 In order to provide members of the public with a further opportunity to obtain information and ask questions of the consultant team and municipal staff regarding the Tannery District Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan project, the Town of Cobourg is also convening a Public Open House via Zoom Video Conference on Thursday, November 25, 2021 from 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
Public Open House - March 28, 2018 On March 28, 2018, a second Open House will be convened to further engage community members and stakeholders as the Sustainability Master Plan project moves forward. The Open House will provide participants with an overview of the work that has occured to date,as well as provide an opportunity to provide input into development strategies,policies and options that will ultimately form part of the Master Plan and implementing documents. Read the notice for the Public Open House here Public Open House - June 22, 2017 On June 22, 2017 a public open house was held to engage community members and stakeholders on the sustainability goals of the Sustainable Master Plan project. The open house provided participants with an opportunity to think about strategies that will transform the Tannery District into a sustainable community. Read the notice for the public open house here. Project Initiation - May 2, 2017 On May 2, 2017, the Town of Cobourg announced the initiation of the project to develop a Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan and an implementing Secondary Plan and Zoning By-law for the Tannery District. Read the Media Release here. |
Latest News & Information |
Copies of relevant documents associated with the Tannery District can be found below:
Further Background Information |
Copies of relevant documents associated with the previous Community Improvement Plan and Design Charrette processes can be found below:
The Tannery District Draft Background Report and Tannery District Draft Master Plan Options Report will be available on this webpage and in the Planning Department office approximately one week prior to the Public Open House on March 28,2018 -please check back again or contact the Planning Department for further details. |
The Process |
The Sustainable Neighbourhood Master Plan project will be completed in three phases:
The implementation of this project is made possible in part through funding from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Green Municipal Fund. |
Contact Us |
For additional information regarding the Tannery District Sustainability Neighbourhood Master Plan project please contact:
Acting Director - Planning and Development Services e. t. 905.372.1005 x 4453 Adriane Miller Administrative Assistant- Planning and Development Services e. t.905.372.1005 x 4452 |