All festivals and events taking place on municipally-owned property (including roads/road allowance, parks, parking lots, open spaces, walkways, beaches and piers)a Special Event Permit issued by the Town of Cobourg.
This permit is issued upon the completion of the Municipal Event Application and approval from the Community Events Committee and/or Council.
Completed Municipal Event Applications must be signed and returned with all required paperwork and additional permits by application deadlines:
Special Event permit fees are
By-law No. 046-2019 outlines the fees and charges for the Town of Cobourg. For more information refer to:
Community Services 2019 Fees and Schedules
Site Map
A site map MUST be included with each event application before it can be sent to the Community Events Committee for approval.
Please go to for the most up to date required event documents. Remember to submit your event to our Town Calendar/Experience Cobourg at:
Addendum A & B must be submitted as required by the Refreshment Vehicle By-law 043-2015 two (2) weeks prior to the event for each food vendor.
The Town of Cobourg Accounting Department will invoice you for permit and event fees prior to the event.
Every applicant shall obtain insurance of no less than $5,000,000.00 (WITH Corporation of the Town of Cobourg named as additional insured), per occurrence against loss or damage resulting in bodily injury or death or damage to any property from any one incident and such policy shall name the Town as an additional insured and shall protect the Town for all claims for all damage, injury or death arising out of any act or omission on the part of the event organizer, its servants or agents. The policy shall be endorsed to provide that the policy shall not be altered, canceled or allowed to lapse without written notice to the Town. Proof of insurance is required with the event application.
Municipal Community Grant Information
Do you have a question regarding your event or application?
The events coordinator is a helpful resource for planning your event and answering questions on the event application process. Please contact if you require assistance.