You may need a heritage permit if you own a designated heritage property. There is no cost to obtain a heritage permit. To determine if your property is a designated heritage property, you can check the municipal heritage register.
A Heritage Permit is needed before you begin any exterior work on a designated heritage property. The Heritage Permit process allows the Town of Cobourg to ensure that the heritage value of a property is not diminished. If you own a designated heritage property, contact Heritage Planning staff before you begin any work on your property. We can tell you if you need a Heritage Permit before you start your project.
Here are some examples of work that may require a heritage permit:
Some work is considered routine maintenance and does not require a Heritage Permit.
Here are some examples of work that usually does not require a heritage permit:
The Heritage Permit Application Guide explains how to apply for a Heritage Permit. It also explains how Heritage Permits are reviewed and approved. Some Heritage Permits can be approved quickly by Heritage Planning staff. Other Heritage Permits may require review by the Cobourg Heritage Advisory Committee and approval by Council.
The first step is to contact Heritage Planning staff and arrange for a pre-consultation meeting to discuss your project. You will have to submit a Heritage Permit application and any supporting documentation that is needed.
For more information on best practices for heritage conservation, Parks Canada has a set of Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
You can also consult the Town of Cobourg's Heritage Master Plan to learn more about best practices in Cobourg.
If your property is located in one of Cobourg's Heritage Conservation Districts, you can also consult the appropriate District Plan for your neighbourhood.
Heritage Planning staff can recommend other sources to guide you.