Any community member who has received a ticket or fine (known as an Administrative Monetary Penalty (A.M.P.), an Order, a Property Standards Order, or a Licensing or Exemption Decision may request a review through the Town of Cobourg’s appeal process.
An appeal is a way to request a review of an:
Screening and Hearings Officers handle appeals and can modify, cancel, or affirm.
Only the vehicle's registered owner or the person named in the Penalty Notice may dispute a Penalty Notice.
To dispute a ticket, complete a request for screening form:
If the matter is still in dispute following a screening, you may request a review by the Hearings Officer by completing a request for hearing form:
Orders are issued to a person who has violated a by-law for which corrective actions are required to correct deficiencies/violations.
To request an appeal, you must:
submit an Order Appeal Request as prescribed on the Order, pay the $250 appeal fee within the period listed on the Order
Note: an appeal of an Order does not operate as a stay of the Order.