The Town of Cobourg is committed to meeting the accessibility needs of people with disabilities in a timely and proactive manner and will use reasonable efforts to provide equitable access to municipal programs, goods, services and facilities in a way that respects a person's dignity and independence.
End of Year Accessibility Update
Here you will find annual update on the actions taken in 2023 to improve accessibility in the community and outlines the progress made in accordance with the 2020-2024 Multi-Year Accessibility Plan. The goal of this plan is to make Cobourg a barrier-free community by the end of 2024. This plan and report were made in conjunction with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Acts, 2005 (AODA)
2023 Accomplishments
With the goal of creating an atmosphere both structurally and systemically that is truly accessible to all, improvements have been made in the following areas over the course of the 2023-2024 term:
2024 Next Steps
Report a Barrier to Accessibility |
If you have experienced a Barrier to Accessibility, please contact us by:
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan |
The Town of Cobourg Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020 to 2024 provides the opportunity to demonstrate and establish an implementation framework and future priority initiatives for the Town of Cobourg and to demonstrate current achievements regarding accessibility. Objectives identified within the plan are both long and short term; many are ongoing actions completed and implemented from year to year or could require implementation over several years. The Town will continue to focus on the following areas:
An accessible version of the Town of Cobourg's Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2020 to 2024 is available upon request by emailing Yasmyn Belle at
View the Town of Cobourg Draft Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 2016-2019. |
Enabling Accessibility Fund Grant Project : 2024-2026 |
The Corporation of the Town of Cobourg has received $100,000 to enhance accessibility within Victoria Hall.
This initiative is funded entirely by the Enabling Accessibility Fund, awarded by the Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility underscores the commitment of the Town of Cobourg to enhance accessibility at Victoria Hall while preserving its heritage. Town staff will collaborate with the Accessibility Advisory Committee to develop a fully accessible public washroom with advanced safety features and the installation of up to ten (10) automatic door openers. Residents seeking further information about the project are encouraged to consult the Council report or reach out to Yasmyn Belle, Accessibility Coordinator for the Town of Cobourg, at
Age-Friendly Community |
The Town of Cobourg is continuously working towards becoming an Age-Friendly Community (AFC). Age-Friendly Communities can help create more accessible environments for people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. AFCs respond to both the opportunities and challenges of an aging population by creating physical and social environments that support independent and active living and enable older adults and people with disabilities to continue contributing to all aspects of community life. In AFCs, community leaders and residents work together to ensure that local policies, programs and services are inclusive and support the social and physical environments that enable Ontarians to live safe, active and meaningful lives. You can learn more about being an Age-Friendly Community on the Ontario Government website. |
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 |
On June 13, 2005, the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) received Royal Assent and is now law. The AODA required the provincial government to work with the community and the private and public sectors to jointly develop standards to be achieved within stages of five years or less, leading to an accessible Ontario in 20 years (2025).
The AODA was enacted to serve as a framework for the establishment of accessibility in five different areas:
Cobourg Accessibility Advisory Committee |
The Cobourg Accessibility Advisory Committee meet on a monthly basis, and provide advice on the implementation of the Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001 and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, as required through regulation in the following:
View the Cobourg Accessibility Advisory Committee agendas and minutes. |
Accessible Customer Service Policy |
The Corporation of the Town of Cobourg is committed to providing quality goods and services that are accessible to all persons that we serve and in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of persons with disabilities.
Read the Town of Cobourg's Accessible Customer Service Policy. |
Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy |
This policy is intended to provide the overreaching framework to guide the review and development of other policies, standards, procedures, by-laws and guidelines of the Town of Cobourg in order to comply with the standards developed under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (AODA) and the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (IASR) established by Ontario Regulation 191/11.
Read the Town of Cobourg's Integrated Accessibility Standards Policy. |
Accessible Parking Locations in Downtown Cobourg |
Regular parking fees apply to all Accessible Parking Spaces. If you are legitimately parked at a parking meter or in the Pay and Display lots, you will need to pay the required fee. For more information on parking please visit our parking page. An authorized Ontario or other jurisdictional Accessible Parking Permit must be displayed in order to use an accessible parking space. Accessible Parking Permits are not allowed to park in "No Parking" or "No Stopping" areas. You can view the map of accessible parking |
Accessible Parking Stall in Downtown Lot Locations |
Accessible Metered Street Parking Stall(s) Downtown Locations |
Locations can be found along:
Accessible Public Washrooms Locations in Cobourg |
Accessible Washroom Locations |
Seasonally Available Accessible Washroom Locations |
1. Marina 2. Victoria Park Concession Stand, and 3. Legion Fields. |
If you have experienced one of these five barriers LET US KNOW:
One of the requirements that Municipalities must meet under AODA is to file a report every two years on the Municipalities level of compliance with the provincial accessibility standards.
Please see attached for the Town of Cobourg Accessibility Report provided by the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario.