Cobourg Municipal Council Endorses Revised Encampment Response Plan
Approach calls for a coordinated effort with the County of Northumberland Homeless Coordinated Response Team to facilitate person-centered engagement and the preservation of Municipal By-laws
Cobourg, ON (July 5, 2022) – At a Special Meeting on July 4, 2022, Cobourg Council voted to approve a motion directing staff to work in coordination with Northumberland County on an enhanced, multi-agency response to those sleeping rough in the Town of Cobourg.
The municipality is faced with the issue of an increased number of people sleeping rough in public and private spaces. While housing deficits exist, there are also residents of our community who cannot move into any housing options, for a variety of reasons. In the recent year and since COVID-19, the Cobourg By-law Enforcement team has seen an increase in the number of people erecting tents in municipal parks. Encampments are not currently compliant with various municipal bylaws. As such, for a person experiencing homelessness who is unable to find an indoor shelter, or housing option, they are faced with the situation that there is no place which they are allowed to live.
Following a delegation by a group of Cobourg residents regarding Homelessness and Sheltering in the Town of Cobourg, Council requested that a staff report on the Enforcement of Municipal By-laws through engagement with people with lived experience; Northumberland County; Haliburton, Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit (HKPRDHU); Cobourg Fire; and Cobourg Police be brought forward for Council consideration at a Special Council Meeting. The special meeting, held in Council Chambers and recorded live through the Town of Cobourg website, was held at 4 p.m. on July 4, 2022. Council heard from 10 delegates who provided personal and professional expertise on subjects such as homelessness and Cobourg’s current housing shortage, as well as the social and economic factors that have led to Cobourg’s current need for additional places of shelter.
Following a round table discussion, Council moved the following motion:
Moved by: Deputy Mayor Seguin
Seconded by: Councillor Beatty
THAT Council receive the Staff Report for information purposes; and
FURTHER THAT Council maintain the enforcement of Municipal By-laws currently in place conducted by Municipal Law Enforcement Officers; and
FURTHER THAT Council endorse a revised Encampment Response Plan by the By-law Department for coordination with the County of Northumberland Homelessness Coordinated Response Team (HCRT) in order to establish a coordinated systemic multi-agency response to those sleeping rough in the Town of Cobourg to facilitate person-centered engagement opportunities and individualized connections to community-based supports, including dignified housing/shelter options; and
FURTHER THAT in the event of an encampment site being cleaned up, everyone’s personal belongings are stored for a period of two weeks and notification provided for pick up; and
THAT Council direct the CAO to provide an oral report to Municipal Council on Homelessness in the Town of Cobourg as a standing report under General Government Services.
Council’s decision will maintain the enforcement of Municipal By-laws currently in place while encouraging an enhanced, personal approach to the municipality’s current sheltering needs. As noted in the Housing Services Act, 2011 and the Northumberland County Housing and Homeless Plan, the County is responsible for administering homeless programs. Council’s motion will see Cobourg’s Bylaw Enforcement team working in partnership with Northumberland County’s Homelessness Coordinated Response Team (HCRT) to offer housing solutions that are directly in line with the individual’s housing situation and goals.
“Addressing the needs of individuals experiencing homelessness is a complex social issue and requires a collective and coordinated approach by highly skilled professionals,” says Mayor John Henderson. “The partnership of Town staff with the trained professionals of the HCRT, will ensure we are respecting the unique challenge of homelessness and the dignity of the individuals we serve.”
Further, a motion was passed calling on Northumberland County Council, staff and its service providers to work with the Town of Cobourg to establish an immediate solution to increasing the supply of indoor accommodation and providing street outreach support through the implementation of an Encampment Response Plan, and further encourage both Cobourg staff and Council to engage with Northumberland County Community Social Services Standing Committee and MPP Piccini’s office to explore immediate housing options in response to the local housing crisis.
Moved by: Councillor Beatty
Seconded by: Councillor Aaron Burchat
THAT Council call on Northumberland County Council, staff, and its service providers to work with the Town of Cobourg to establish an immediate solution to increasing the supply of indoor accommodation and providing street outreach support through the implementation of an Encampment Response Plan.
AND FURTHER THAT Council direct senior staff based on availability and two (2) members of Council to make a delegation to Northumberland County Community Social Services Standing Committee on July 6, 2022 at 1:00 P.M and at their next scheduled Regular Council meeting on July 20th, 2022 or through the procedures of the County Procedural By-law for the next cycle of County Council Meetings.”
AND FURTHER THAT Council direct staff to engage with Infrastructure Ontario and MPP David Piccini and Northumberland County to repurpose, refurbish or rebuild a small portion of the former Brookside property to explore immediate housing options in response to the local housing crisis
Those who missed the Special Meeting of Council on July 4, 2022 may watch the recorded session via the Town of Cobourg website.
Sleeping Rough: Can refer to anyone who is living on the streets, sleeping in parks, or squatting in derelict buildings for temporary shelter. People, sleeping rough, are some of the most vulnerable in society. It can be dangerous and is often traumatizing.
Media Contacts
Kara Euale Brent Larmer
Manager, Communications Director of Legislative Services
Town of Cobourg Town of Cobourg
p: 905-372-4301 x 4105 p: 905-372-4301
e: e:
About The Town of Cobourg
The Town of Cobourg is a lakeside community (population 20,500) located on the north shore of Lake Ontario halfway between Toronto and Kingston and has been recognized multiple times by MoneySense Magazine as “One of Canada’s Best Places to Live” in populations under 25,000.
Founded in 1798, Cobourg is rich in heritage offering a vibrant downtown, sophisticated small-town atmosphere and renowned waterfront that serves as a popular getaway destination. As the largest town in Northumberland County, Cobourg is personified by historic Victoria Hall, hosts a 27.4 million community centre, an educated and skilled labour force, flourishing commercial sector and supportive municipal government. Cobourg has received the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Sustainable Communities Award, accolades from the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act Alliance, and multiple heritage, environmental, and event awards.